A new approach to harvest an optimal mind for business and abundance. Blog #8
Healing and coaching exist on the same plane
As an RTT hypnotherapist and a mindset and mindfulness coach I heal mental, emotional and many medical imbalances on one hand and I teach, coach and empower people on the other hand.
Although the majority of my clients come to see me for therapy, some are only interested by coaching with an emphasis on mindfulness and human psychology. The label of therapy puts them off as all they want is to optimise mind clarity, creativity and people skills, and they don’t think there is anything ”wrong” with them. To those I remind that we all carry baggages that hold us back from our full potential and until we get rid of it, we are limited by them. We can only start to thrive when we no longer need to survive.
Although they are different tools, both therapy and coaching address the same journey: taking someone from a place of lack and negative to a place of abundance and empowerment. That is why I use both as they absolutely complement one another and I strongly believe that merging protocols is the future of both profession.
Here are below some non exhaustive key points I give my clients to enhance their business mental tool box.
First we must rid of the blockages
Before we even get started we must address our blockages. We all own some of some sorts and they are the major reason as to why so many of us don't have certain things in their life, including success in business, money and abundance. The road to a thriving business is arduous, challenging and unpredictable so if we own the common belief that the things we want are not available to us, no matter how much the conscious mind knows it is possible from a cartesian perspective, the emotional subconscious mind will keep on sabotaging all attempts at obtaining it, just like Icarus flying too close to the Sun.
Getting rid of all disempowering beliefs and negative habits of thought are a must for any entrepreneur. We wouldn't start a trip across the 7 oceans before making sure the boat is operational and 100% water proof. In the same sense it is naive to believe we are any different in regards to our enterprise and the mind we use to construct it.
Then we want to do the right thing for the right reasons
Although money is important in our life money is a very poor motivator. Society teaches us that in order to be happy we must be rich. If anything the opposite is true, in order to optimise our chances at becoming rich and successful we must first be happy. Happiness provides a fertile ground to all the attributes required for prosperity.
The assortment of belief we own and our coping mechanism are what give us the ability or not to be happy, regardless of our financial situation. Not money. If that was the case rich people would be immune from depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts, but they are not.
Another important point to highlight is that motivation just like everything in the Universe evolves constantly, therefore motivation is adaptational. There comes a point when money doesn’t affect our lifestyle anymore and becomes meaningless numbers. What seemed attractive and shiny when we didn’t have it looses its appeal few months after we have adapted to that new lifestyle.
So we need to find a scalable motivation. A motivation with the potential to expand infinitely. A purpose. A passion. This is where a career starts. When we are driven by purpose and passion money is a just natural byproduct (To those thinking about Van Gogh I would reply Absinthe).
A different mindset offers a different reality
In business and in life in general we are faced with two types of antagonist mindset. Positive versus negative. Growth versus fixed. Abundance versus scarcity. A creator’s mindset versus a victim’s mindset...
An empowering mindset focuses on more, on what we want, what we can. A disempowering mindset on the other hand focuses on less, on what we don’t want, what we can’t. A solution orientated mindset reveals solutions whilst a problem orientated mindset brings more problems. Because whatever we focus our mind on we get more of we want to choose wisely.
Maintain mind clarity
Intelligence is what make us humans so special. Unfortunately we waste the potential of that remarkable asset on a daily basis. Every single time we get stressed out, angry or scared we become stupid. Literally. This is not a judgement but a fact. Any type of excessive or prolonged stress is perceived as a potentially life threatening danger by the brain and triggers in our body a sympathetic state (fight, flight or freeze response). As a result the blood that carries the oxygen that feeds the parts of the brain that needs to be activated is sucked from the frontal Neo cortex (the intelligent part of our brain) to our reactive primary brains located at the bottom, because when it comes to danger the primal brains have been doing a great job looking after us for million of years using fear and aggression. And this is how we switch off physiologically momentarily our very intelligence.
We all experience this when we get caught up into a situation with someone close and we know too well we shouldn't be saying something specific right then and yet we do. We wonder the very second after how we ended up repeating that same old mistake again. The mind has been hijacked momentarily by the reactive primary brains, we became paranoid, insecure and irrational and we now regret it. People loose control of all rationality every day. We all heard stories of individuals who are spending their life in prison because of a split decision taken in the heat of the moment.
It is necessary to highlight that negative stress, doubts, worries, uncertainties and insecurities belong to the family of fear, just as much as feeling offended, frustrated, irritated or annoyed are all corrosive micro aggressions that belong to the family of anger, and they all contribute to massive drops of IQ when we need our intelligence and clarity of mind the most.
Developing a coping strategy against stress and any type of fear and aggression is paramount in a business environment. The practice of Mindfulness is the simplest, oldest and most efficient of all methods in the world as it teaches us a laser mind clarity in the present moment. Mind clarity not only allows intelligence and memory to flourish but also opens the paths to creativity, imagination, solutions and opportunities.
Understand the energy of communication
We are pack animals. That implies that we not only need others to survive but also to thrive. No one is bigger than the team and without people there are no business. Communication is how we interact with others. Per se an understanding of its most overlooked aspect is a panacea.
We are made of energy and undercover of the conscious mind, all bodies emanate energy inside out all the time for other’s gut instinct to capture the signals from. Although those signals are processed in different capacity relative to each individual’s understanding of their gut, we all feel and are affected at a subconscious level by the energy of others. The fabric of that energy is a mix of words (style, content and intensity), body language and the reciprocal perceptual prediction of the interaction’s dynamic. But the most powerful component of it and the very glue that hold those datas together are our emotions. We want to choose optimal emotions and for them to correlate with our goals and actions.
In business we all understand that the best quality to own are mastery and passion, forgetting that before mastery and passion comes trust. From an evolutionary perspective skills are irrelevant if we are going to stab each other in the back. It is therefore a pre requisite to establish common grounds and send the message that we belong to the same tribe. And because we all feed on each other's energy, the secret in the art of communicating consist in demonstrating and maintaining an open and peaceful energy to harvest a dialogue.
Master your mind to be your best ally
This is by far the most fascinating and exclusive aspect of the way I coach my clients for business and it comes from psychotherapy protocols. Because the mind is a biofeedback machine, we can literally reprogram our mind to execute anything we want it to do by sending it the right orders. The first law of the mind is that the mind does what it thinks we want it to do. But because we operate on automatic pilot most of the time we forget that we can change the set up of that automatic pilot both from the conscious and the subconscious mind.
As we influence our thoughts we also influence our internal bio chemistry, because each thought triggers a chemical reaction in our body, which means that mastering or thought process is mastering the way we feel. And since the way we feel about everything and anything dictates our choice of action, and the collection of all our actions shape our life, in order to optimise all aspects of our business all we need to do is to optimise the relationship we have with our mind. Those familiar with my work will recognise a pattern here as I can never highlights enough how everything starts in the mind...
Meditation and manifestation
I didn’t want that article to be longer than it is so we are coming to the end of it for this week. There is however one thing I could not possibly omit, the one thing all outrageously successful top CEOs do. They meditate. I will talk about it on another blog as this topic alone needs a full article to give it full justice.
Because technology evolves exponentially, because the Universe is constantly expanding, and because our understanding of the human mind in the last few decades has been more significant than in the whole of humanity, it is important to update therapy and coaching accordingly.
I have started a new series of talks all across the WeWork network in central London until the end of the year 2018 about business skills optimisation from a therapy, mindset and mindfulness perspective. Do enquire for more informations.