Mental health and the LGBTQ+ people. Blog #10

Yesterday was national coming out day in the UK. I would like to take the opportunity to shine some love over my LGBTQ+ family. 


Although it is a sad reality that many countries all over the world still repress brutally and mercilessly anyone that don’t fit within the bigoted and bygone “Adam and Eve”theory, and modern and broad minded places like Europe, the UK, the USA or Australia still perpetrate dangerous stigmas from the past, I do believe there is a global positive shift toward tolerance. It is however paramount to remind ourselves constantly that the battle is still on and starts at home, at the workplace, in the neighbourhood and on the social medias… LGBTQ+ people just like any people need and deserve support and belonging in society. We can all choose to be scared of what we don’t understand or be brave and learn to understand. 


Imagine fearing being looked down at with disdain and disgust, insulted, shout at, ridiculed, spat at, punched, kicked, lynched, or even killed by strangers every single day you decide to go out in public. Imagine any crowd relentlessly threatening you with that inevitable moment where you have to go through humiliation and fear again... Transgenders are by far the most visible and vulnerable people on the planet and for the huge majority of them suffer that on a daily basis. 

Anyone who ever took the time to get to know one knows the amount of suffering they have gone through, the unimaginable adversity they face everyday, and the superhuman courage they need to summon up just to go through the day. 

Despite this many people are still convincing themselves that transgenders are delusional, mentally ill and somewhat doing this to themselves. They quote anti transgenders “research” found randomly on the internet that are essentially hatred propaganda, with the scientific weight of flat earth theory evidence, claiming falsely for instance how medical interventions for transgenders cause a 50% increase in depression and suicide... When there is in fact a plethora of actual studies supporting the conclusion that medical interventions for trans patients improve their quality of life, reducing depression, anxiety and distress caused by gender dysphoria. 


There has been many heated debates about the legitimacy of non binary identity and the place of trans individuals and non binary people in regards to the use of public toilets. It was never about the toilets. It was always about fear mongering and punishing a minority for going again an antediluvian belief system. 

To people who find the notion of a non binary gender confusing let me clarify this. We humans are pack animals and hardwired to belong with our own kind. Some people have never felt right self identifying to neither a man or a woman and grew up all their life not knowing what they were since no name existed to define them. From a psychological perspective they never felt recognised by society. 

When we feel we don’t belong, just like the runt of the litter we loose that inherent pack animal natural survival instinct because there is no pack to connect with, and we eventually loose the very will to appreciate life. It is called depression, and we all know that prolonged and sustained depression bring many people to commit suicide. Such is the significance and the importance of a non binary gender and the abhorrent absurdity of the toilet argument. 

I personally know very close people to me that have experienced an epiphany and come out of a lifetime of depression the day they realised they always belonged to that non binary category. I also strongly suspect a greater percentage of male suicide related to that issue than we care to admit. 


When people are offended by the LGBTQ+ community attempts at belonging to society, blaming dangerous liberals secret agenda, cherry picking and generalising anecdotal cases to back up their arguments and slather layers of confirmation bias all over it, they are essentially scared of being rejected by their tribe. Their parents and community have perpetrated a common misinterpretation of some religious scripts for centuries, normalising discrimination and that disempowering notion of sin, and right versus wrong... As a result the nature of the fear is visceral, intense and poisonous. And this is why although most of the world has come to the consensus that racism is detrimental to any society and unacceptable in our days and age, it is still difficult for many to accept and understand that transphobia and homophobia are exactly the same as racism or sexism. 

Live and let live  

Because it does not affect us does not mean it is not affecting someone we care for. Because the LGBTQ+ lifestyle does not match our belief system does not mean that we are not hurting directly or indirectly a friend, a colleague, a neighbour or someone from our family every time we are judging them… 

As long as one person suffers from discrimination we are still living in the dark ages of humanity and yet to witness our full potential as a specie. Fear holds us back into an obsolete survival mode when we could be cultivating love instead and thrive together as we should. 

Ultimately whatever people believe they are is none of anyone else’s business. Although there are scientific truths there are no universal ones and as far as the mind is concerned whatever we believe is our truth. So if a Caucasian male believes they are a Filipino woman, Cleopatra or Beyoncé I have no objection to that and why should anyone ? 

Let me help you come out safely !!! 

For many decades and still to the day of today there has been “cures” for the illness of homosexuality. People are now promoting cures for transgenders and non binary “delusional” people. I would like to offer something much more accurate, needed and helpful. If you or if you know anyone that are struggling with accepting their son/daughter/brother/sister/friend/colleague/neighbour... if you feel that there is a better person inside desperately wanting to find a way out of the prison of their own toxic beliefs, I can help you or them to come out safely !!! 

LGBTQ+ people shouldn’t have to come out anymore. It is the ones that still live in fear and hatred that need to come out of the dark ages. Times are changing and there is a new generation of open minded young souls who are not scared of embracing their vulnerability and reclaim the crown they feel they deserve, whatever that is. It was never about being right or wrong. It was always about being kind or scared. 

If you are one of those parents who have chosen the herd over your very own children and suffer from it in secret I can absolutely and categorically help you, using regression with RTT to address and remove those toxic beliefs and replace fear, division and punishment with love, connection and happiness. I come from a place of knowing and a place of compassion. So I know that you know how much you and your child both deserve it. 

Didier Kan