The mind is the body and how we can for the vast majority of us vanquish cancer and most "incurable disease"​ through thought process. Blog #13

What I am writing about this week is very advanced for the fact that it is new information and goes against pre conceived mass beliefs still being taught wrongly at school and duplicated on the medias and in society. I always introduce these evidences at my seminars this way:" There are only 2 types of people that can accept that sort of information: hippies like me, or people that are open minded enough, intelligent enough, brave enough to want to learn about something they don't understand". 

New Biology and Epigenetic 

This is based on the seminal work of Dr Bruce Lipton, a developmental biologist, who after being a professor of medicine for 20 years realised how everything he has been teaching was wrong and then went on a mission for the last 30 years to demonstrate just that through thorough and groundbreaking researches and publications. 

We are born with genes that can manifest into 3000 variations each. There is as little as under 1% of disease that are connected to genetic. In fact 50% of all cancer sufferers don't own the cancer gene in the first place. Genetic determinism, the idea that we have no influence over our genes was created in the late 50s out of a scientific hypothesis that has never been studied, and until the 80s everyone forgot that this was never scienced at the delight of powerful pharmaceutical companies who have been making a fortune out of it ever since.  

We think ourself ill or healthy 

We know now that 70% of all physical ailments are psychosomatic, therefore created and started in the mind and over 95% of cancers and 90% of diseases altogether are caused not by the genes but by external signals affecting them. What are those signals ? They are traumas, toxins... and again: thoughts. Which means that we are not the product of our genes. We are the product of our beliefs and our lifestyle. The beliefs we inherit from our upbringing are the triggers to our genes and what can alter their genetic expression. In simple term it is our thoughts, our beliefs that affect our physiological state first, then our lifestyle. 

When we cut our hand the sensors in our hand sends a signal to the brain that a trauma occurred, the brain as a result triggers a cascade of chemical reactions for the hand to heal asap so not to get infected. This innate physiological process exists in the autonomic nervous system and operates from the subconscious mind. 

Some other automatism are acquired during childhood via subconscious associations and will trigger and affect those genes to develop a corresponding reality. So if someone believes that everyone in the family has got cancer or Alzheimer's for instance, if they believe that they are victim of their genes and there is nothing they can do about it they will create a prophecy that will manifest into their body eventually. 

I had a handful of clients who came to see me for physical problems and we found out every time in regression how a thought had turned into a physical ailment. 

Some RTT cases  

A lady came to see me last year for a type of thyroiditis she has been suffering from all her life and tried to heal in vain. We had a couple of RTT sessions and we found out in regression how she has been severely repressed as a child. "Quiet !!! A good girl doesn't talk or make any noise"was all she ever heard from her parents as she grew up. So much so that she never spoke her truth and contrived all her emotions down her throat to the point of eventually affecting physically her thyroid glands and creating that disease. After RTT, once we have addressed her old beliefs and upgraded new and better ones, she felt so liberated and energised that she was ready to stop her lifetime pills, leave Britain and teach Zumba on some beaches in Spain !!! (I need to be honest and confess that for some obscure reasons I haven't heard from her since but I am still happy to choose her case to illustrate how seemingly harmless events in our childhood can affect a person's health seriously, and I certainly hope to hear from her again someday).

I have also looked after clients suffering from skin conditions, IBS, morbid obesity, severe migraines, chronic back pain, etc... all discovered in regression how their physical condition was again a manifestation of the mind designed to either protect them from something or punish them from something else when they were children. Until the age of 7 a child mind's operates via brain waves that subject them to a constant state of hypnosis, because they are undergoing a non judgemental developmental stage, therefore all experiences are downloaded as absolute truth and will affect their behaviours and health accordingly in their adult life. If parents ever knew the consequences of their words and actions they would certainly think twice before choosing them.

Some Placebo/Nocebo cases  

The placebo effect has long been scienced in official medicine with in some cases as much as 50% of positive results from sugar pills versus an actual drug, all thanks to the power of believing that those sugar pills owned the magic component to relieve them from pain or ailment. Nocebo is the evil little brother of the placebo that manifest in the body the negative beliefs. So if I believe that that sugar pill has side effects such as nausea or diarrhea, I will also experience that physically from that belief.

Some people, like a member of my extended family who led a healthy lifestyle all his life, being a professor at an illustrious university, playing tennis regularly and neither smoking or drinking, was told he had a cancer. Within months the cancer took him. The shock of the news coming from the omnipotent doctor wearing a white blouse, an authoritative figure of knowledge and science had the effect of a nearly immediate life sentence on him.

On the other hand we all know people who react aggressively at the news of a new found tumour in their body and say to the doctor and themselves "I don't care what you say, I am NOT having a cancer, this is not even an option because I have 2 children of young age to look after on my own". They are who we call the fighters and the survivors. 

My own father had been told by doctors in France that he only had 6 months to live after being diagnosed with his 4th cancer. NOT A SINGLE DOCTOR IN THE WHOLE OF FRANCE EVEN WANTED TO TRY AN OPERATION. He loved life and was determined to fight for it so he decided to seek help in Hong Kong. A few weeks after the operation he was in remission and lived another 15 happy years. 

It is important to highlight that the mental process is subconscious and down to our coping mechanism, and set of beliefs, so no one's will power is to be blamed. As with everything we are limited or empowered by our subconscious beliefs.

What do we know about drugs ?

All drugs created by humans already exist in the body. The chemicals we create to replicate them and use to rebalance patients work in various capacity. Some drugs and some treatments are good for some individuals during certain phases of their treatment and do save lives. On the flip side of the coin, to put things into perspective people also die every year all over the world not from their disease, but from the very drugs and treatment they have been given.

Regardless of the accuracy of drugs and treatments from conventional western medicine one thing is certain, most of us don't understand the fact that the first most important environmental factor affecting our gene is our thoughts, and we can all learn how to nurture that aspect of our health through meditation and hypnosis. Why is no one saying anything about this !? In the event we knew it was possible to prevent illness and heal ourselves without drugs many people will loose an awful lot of money... If I sound like a conspiracy theorist just do the maths...  

Something that needs to be stressed out 

There is also the element of lifestyle and physical and mental stress that affect our genes. Here again, it seems that everything has been designed in this utopian modern life to make things worse for our health. The food we are being fed, the water full of plastic, the new radiations we subject ourselves to every day and even that very technology that is incessantly adding stress to our life by assaulting us every minute with non sensical notifications from our portable devices... Instead of using technology too many of us are being used by it and our physicals and mental health is affected. 

It estimated that between 75% to 90% of all visits to physicians are stress related ailments. Yet instead of addressing the stress we address the symptoms with pills and treatments without ever addressing whatever they came to see them for at the first place. Go figure... 


In my community many of my colleagues have had success with physical illnesses. We have helped and healed cancer stage 3 and 4, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Crohn's disease, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, and many many more incurable diseases, with RTT. We have the doctor's notes, the before and after results, the X-rays, the testimonials... 

As with everything in life, nothing is guaranteed. Even the almighty conventional western medicine is fragile in the face of cancer. But we can and certainly do help alleviate the problems and general conditions, and can potentially heal the disease altogether. 

Because I am looking at creating a portfolio of physical illness case studies healed by RTT, to present to the NHS at some point in my career, I am happy to offer a real and substantial discount to anyone needing help in that field. 

Join the revolution !!!

Epigenetic is happening, it is a science, it is real, tangible and now. People will always resist what they don't understand but nothing can ever stop evolution. I am an optimist and I personally strongly believe that the next step of our evolution as a specie in the field of medicine will happen when we embrace the power of the mind in regards to healing our body. Let's do it together !!!

Didier Kan