We can all reprogram our mind at any time and reshape our life the way we want it to be. Blog #16
I celebrated my first anniversary as a therapist at the beginning of this month and feel immensely proud for having helped more than 120 clients find balance, happiness, love and purpose so far. The one thing that stands out of my experience and my general obsession with the mind/body/life connection is how clear my understanding of it has become now.
Whatever we do we do because of beliefs and habits
Everything and anything we do, have or are is down to our beliefs and the habits we create around them. Those beliefs are stored within our subconscious mind and although we are aware of some, we aren't of most because they have been influencing us systematically for such a long time that we have taken them for granted and don't question them anymore. They have become a habit. The habit of us. We have become them and forgotten that any habit can be updated.
The belief and habit of worrying
Some beliefs such as which religion, political party or football team is best are easy to identify. The ones related to why we do the things we do are far more secretive and intricate. For instance we all experience worries of some sort in our life. Worrying belongs to the family of fear. Although fear is a formidable survival tool it serves us no purpose in our modern life. It is only because we believe fear serves us some benefits that we still allow the habit of it in our life. When I boil water in a pan I don't put my hand in it. Why ? Because of fear ? No. Because of my intelligence. If anything fear is the very opposite of rational and intelligence. All we need to do to stop nurturing fear is to stop feeding it power by believing in it. Just like believing in the Boogeyman, believing in fear summons it and turns it into a physical reality in our body in the form of anxiety.
The belief and habit of reacting
Another common belief and habit affecting our life greatly is reacting. Reacting is the most disempowered state there is. When we react we don't think. We add no conscious input into our action and we essentially follow powerlessly and brainlessly a chain of reaction. A wiser option is to learn how to stop surrendering to it by not taking anything personally thus stopping the chain of reaction right there. Nothing is intended at us, because of us or for us to react to. Everything can stay in place and time exactly where they are. We do not have to react to all the random movements of the Universe and internalise anyone else's reality all the time.
The belief and habit of being triggered
Many of us often get irritated, frustrated or annoyed on a regular basis by people, events and thoughts. The news, the weather, the way some people look and sound like, anything can trigger us and kidnap our time and mental clarity in an instant. But when that happens we should really be asking ourselves why am I reacting to this ? What has this got to do with me ? Do I really want to waste my precious time and energy reacting over random stuff ?
For the sake of that article I have to admit that I personally used to spend an awful load of time quarrelling on the internet with strangers about things of all different level of gravity in the past. And then I finally understood how an utter waste of life that was. I used to believe my opinion is important, I have to assert my truth and I shall not rest until I have the last word. I have now replaced that belief with I couldn't care less what people say or think about me both in real life and on the social medias because I am enough and my time and energy is needed for the things that really matter to me, and my life has never been so peaceful and productive ever since.
Therapeutic examples
In therapy this is also the most simple overlooked reason why we create our own mental, emotional and physical imbalances. Because we believe things must be a certain way we construct that reality. I have written a blog last month about Stoptober explaining how in order to stop smoking we must understand it is actually not that difficult. We need to realise it is as easy to stop smoking as it was to start at the first place. Most people struggle because they have heard their parents and friends saying how hard it was for them. Whenever they switch on the TV the adds for nicotin patches and vaping are reminding them they need those because it is so hard to stop smoking without help. We all know people who stop overnight though. Those people don't share that disempowering belief and that is why they succeed. One of my first spectacular success with a client happened at the very beginning of my career when I healed someone from a 30 year cocaine addiction, in one session, on Skype... I have replicated that success again and again. It really can be that simple, people are just looking in the wrong places.
Another illustration of how our beliefs commonly affect our life is with insomnia. I have suffered myself from severe and debilitating insomnia most of my life and it is only the last few months that I decided to do something about it and address it the way I would get a client to. By switching beliefs and associations. I have healed myself instantly and ever since treated many others suffering from insomnia with tremendous success. People believe once again that they must react to their thoughts and to the noises around them and they can't sleep. I change in hypnosis the associations they own in regards to anything preventing them to sleep. You love to let go of your thoughts and worries because you understand that worrying about something never solves anything. You love sleeping. Whenever your husband snores you love the sound of his snoring. His snoring is like a lullaby that soothes you, relaxes you and transports you straight into the arms or Morpheus...and surely enough my clients fall into a deep sleep as soon as the snoring starts because I have changed the meaning of them.
Physical pain, lack of energy and anxiety
Even the way we feel and the very bio chemistry of our own body is regulated by the beliefs we have about them. One of my current client has been suffering from constant and debilitating physical pain, tiredness, feeling of dissociation, anxiety and headaches for 7 years... because she believed it was the way she was supposed to feel and there was nothing she could do about it. I am now changing her set of beliefs by reminding her of her power to create change and install new and better habits of thoughts that will eventually lead to new and better habit of feeling. On her first week her transformation has already started and not only her attitude to life has switched dramatically but most importantly the very physical pain and fatigue are withdrawing as she is learning to let go of that old habit more and more each day...
Everything about our life is a placebo
Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds and thus our lives...- Dr Bruce Lipton
The only limits you have are the limits you believe- Dr Wayne Dyer
The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking- Albert Einstein
Man is made by his belief. As he believes so he is- Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe
Our life is what we think about it- Marcus Aurelius
All that we are is the result of all that we have thought- Buddha
To change our life and any aspect of it we must reprogram our mind. To reprogram our mind we must change our beliefs and our habits. To do so we use Rapid Transformational Therapy, Hypnosis, Regression and Meditation. Although some of our habits can absolutely be addressed and upgraded via the conscious mind, the core of our operation system is subconscious, therefore the most solid and problematic beliefs and associations can only be reached deep within our mighty subconscious mind.
If you or someone you know need to reprogram their mind, to reset their Sat Nav and finally create the change they have been longing for in their life, my name is Didi Kan, I am a therapist and a coach and I help people from all walk of life on a daily basis do just that with an exceptionally high rate of success.